How old is Julian Newman?

Julian Newman was born on 6 September 2001, and as of today, he is 22 years, 7 month, 29 days . Julian Newman is a famous American basketball player. Julian is famous for his amazing Basketball skills, and if you are a high school basketball fan, you must have heard about him. He completed his graduation from Prodigy Prep in Orlando, Florida recently, in 2020. Julian Newman has had a keen interest in Basketball since childhood, and he started playing Basketball when he was only three years old.


Julian Newman was born in Orlando, Florida, on 6 September 2001. He was born into a Jewish family, and he is also a follower of Judaism. His zodiac sign is Virgo. Jamie Newman was born to Jami Newman and Vivian Gonzalez, His Father, Jamie Newman, is a history teacher and Basketball coach at Downey Christian School. His mother, Vivian Gonzalez, is also a basketball player, and she played Basketball during her college days. Julian also has a younger sibling, a sister named Jaden, and like her parents and elder brother, she is also a basketball lover and usually plays Basketball.

The whole family of Julian Newman is very active and energetic, and all family members have active participation in sports. He grew up around the game and had developed a keen interest in Basketball from a very early age. He completed his high school education at Downey Christian School in Orlando. He started playing football at a very young age. He was a distinguished player and impressed everyone with his amazing performance. His skills grew with his age. He didn’t attend college and joined Downey Christian School. He continued his amazing form and shattered various records. Julian is a child prodigy, and he is a phenomenal player. His future seems to be going in the right direction.


Full NameJulian Newman
NicknameThe handles
Date of Birth06-09-2001
Birth PlaceOrlando, Florida, USA
Age 22 years, 7 month, 29 days
ProfessionBasketball player/Reality TV star
Zodiac SignVirgo
Father’s NameJamie Newman
Mother’s NameVivian Gonzalez
Height5’8″ (1.70m)
Weight140 Lbs (64 Kg)
Eye colorBlack
Hair colorBlack
Body TypeAthletic body
Marital statusUnmarried/Single
Net worth (Till Date)Around $ 1 million (According to multiple sources)
Social media PresenceInstagram, Twitter, and YouTube

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